Thursday, September 23, 2010


I just got done having a conversation about how gross it is to find things in your food at restaurants. Like one time, I was at a Sonic and I got a java chiller (the frozen coffee thingy) and I was about halfway through with it when I looked down into the cup and found a ball. of. hair!!! GROSSNESS! Seriously, I haven't had one since, and that was like 2 years ago. I mean, a ball of hair!!! Somebody's probably greasy hair ended up in my java chiller. I'm surprised I didn't throw up...And then once I got food poisoning from a Taco Bell. I was on my second taco when I thought it tasted weird, but it wasn't TOO weird so I finished it. Let's just say that I had to leave in the middle of a movie to go barf. It wasn't pretty...but then again, barfing never is.

I hate puking. Just the feeling you get in your stomach right before it happens, and then having to run as fast as you can to get to the bathroom, hoping along the way that nobody is in there. (I've had that happen before, I'll elaborate later.) And then the feeling of it in your throat. EW!

Anyways, the story about not making it to the bathroom in time. Well I was about 6 or 7 years old when I got REALLY sick. My Mom and Dad went somewhere, leaving my brother, Jake, to babysit me and Ryan. Well Jake invited our neighbor, Phillip, over to our house. Well I was doing something, when I had to puke, so I ran as fast as I could to the bathroom, but Phillip was in there. So I was banging on the door, one hand over my mouth, when it just came up at once, and I puked all over the floor. Jake had to clean it up, though. :) *Chuckles*

Everybody forgets that I have another brother besides Ryan. I HAVE AN OLDER BROTHER PEOPLE, HIS NAME IS JAKE AND HE LIVES IN NORTH CAROLINA. you have no excuse.

I have a volleyball game tonight. We're gonna win big time. If we don't, I'll be shocked and upset, considering we just creamed them on Tuesday.

So friends are a great thing. They always cheer me up and make me jumpy, and it's AWESOME! I can be having a really bad day, and I'll just even talk to one of my friends online, and I end up laughing or smiling and it makes my day so much better. I'm so glad that I have a bunch of friends who are hilarious!

Well as fun, gross, and awesome this blogging has been, I'm done for now!

Adios, readers! :D


Friday, September 17, 2010

Just An Update!

So I've been sick the past couple of days, staying at home while my brother goes out and sees friends. It's been pretty darn boring! I'm almost fully recovered now, so tonight I get to go to a movie night at our church and then to somebody's house! :D FINALLY! SOCIALIZATION! Yeah, you could say that I miss a bunch of people after only going 4 days without seeing anybody but my family. Don't get me wrong, I love seeing my family, but I miss my friends a lot.

I got a new laptop this past Friday and have been going nuts on it! I just LOVE ITTTT! It's got some great stuff on it! I've made a bunch of funny videos with this effect thingy! I'm going to try and add a new page on this blog to put some of the videos on! If I can just figure it out! lol

That's really all I got to say! Just an update!


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

The Sore Volleyball Player

Volleyball is INTENSE.

I never thought that I would ever get really frustrated or mad during any sports game that I play in, but last night proved me wrong. Even one of my friends said that she noticed that I was getting mad. We were losing pretty badly, and when other girls on my team started getting frustrated, then I got frustrated and was SO glad when I got benched. I laugh at myself now for being happy about being benched (something I never thought I'd be happy about!) I got over the frustration when we starting winning against another team. :) I should really control my emotions more, or at least shouldn't let my bad ones show as much!

Anyways, now I'm superly sore. O_o Seriously, it hurts really really REALLY bad to even walk! I feel like an old woman with arthritis! =/ I need a caaane! *Hunches over and squints eyes* I need my glasses!

WE START CHOIR TOMORROW! Yesssss! Our song that we are going to learn is so complicated and awesome! I can't wait!

So....Senior year. Not sure if I like that.
