Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Favorite Person

My favorite person ever is amazingly strong, He’s indescribably beautiful, He has unending love for me, He’s the best friend any person could have. He made the world around you, He made you and I. My favorite person’s name is God.

I can’t wait to get to heaven and get a hug from God. I mean, He’s God, so He has to be the best hugger ever. Think about the person here on earth that gives the biggest, sweetest bear hugs ever…then times that by about a gazillion. That’s probably a little bit of the equivalent to God’s hugs.

There are so many people on this earth who want just one good friend. They want someone who will never stop loving them and won’t ever leave them. People yearn for companionship. Don’t they realize that the one person who could provide the best companionship is God? He said "I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. (Hebrews 13:5)” He will NEVER leave! Yet people walk away from Him all the time. I’ve done it before, I’m not proud to say.

Think about this. The biggest, most powerful being in existence, the one who made everything, including you and me, would send His Son to die on the cross even if nobody but you were the only one who accepted Him. He would sacrifice His Son’s life, just for you. I can’t even seem to wrap my mind around that. Me, the person who sins every day, who has walked away from God, who has done so many things she’s not proud of, is worth everything to God. To Him I’m everything. To Him YOU are everything. Just that thought is enough to bring tears to my eyes and make me want to see Him even more.

Thank you, God…for everything.


Kirstin Tucker

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Please Read

So here lately, God has been getting on me for making fun of people. I mean, I haven’t made fun of people in a mean way, just jokingly. Even just making a snarky comment towards one of my friends has convicted me. God’s been really showing me things that I say and do, without even thinking twice about it. He’s been putting certain people on my heart, and hearing some of the things my friends say about these people really upsets me.

If the subject of peer pressure ever came up in the past, I’d immediately think, “I won’t fall into peer pressure, I’m just not that type of girl.” Boy, oh boy, was I ever wrong. It wasn’t anything major that I fell into, it was going along with making fun of someone. I’ve told her I am sorry for doing it, but it still makes me upset that I’ve done that. This one boy I know repeatedly calls me mean, for reasons I don’t know, because I’ve never been mean to him, but it got me thinking. Am I really mean? The more I think about it, the more I realize that he is right. I find myself to be a mean person. Around certain people I’m mean, and around certain people I’m the nicest girl around. It would seem that I wear a mask. A lot of people I know wear masks. (Not literally, of course.) They hide who they really are and what they really feel. I’ve worn many different masks in my life, which I regret. It’s hard to let go of all the masks, because after a while, you actually fool yourself into thinking you’re really one way when, in fact, you aren’t at all.

One other thing I wanted to mention. I just wanted to say that I’m sorry to anyone I’ve ever hurt in the past by either making fun of you or being mean in any way. I take full blame for all of it. I’m really really sorry. Thanks to all of you who chose to put up with me! :)

