The first thing I remember in the dream was standing in the middle of a corn/soybean field, in this big open spot. There was this little boy who looked about 8 years old, and he said his name was Joshua Bakon (pronounced like Bacon.) I thought it was kind of humorous in the dream. He then proceeded to get down on one knee, pull out a ring box, open it, and ask me to marry him. The ring wasn't any flimsy thing you'd expect an eight year old to have! It was REAL! I just started to tell him no, when he just ran off into the field crying. It was weird.
Then later on in my dream, I was in a parking lot with my Mom, when THIS GUY showed up.

He's an actor and played as the brother on "Bride Wars", among other things. Apparently I knew him and he started professing his undying love for me. He got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I hadn't even given him an answer yet when he started putting the ring on my finger. The ring was GORGEOUS, and I started pacing, trying to think of what to say. I ended up saying something like, "I don't know you very well, but I'll think about it." He understood and walked off. Then me and Mom got in the car and I said, "What is this, propose to Kirstin week?!"
The rest of the dream had nothing to do with being proposed to. I just remember being sat on/crushed by Jon Armistead and Harlee, crawling through mud and then being made fun of by a kid who was in my 6th grade class, and me cooking a pizza.
So there you have it! You've now had a glimpse into what I dream about! :)