Lots of people in this world, particularly in the United States, use sarcasm. Sometimes people, whether they realize it or not, hurt people. They use sarcasm because they learned it from their parents, or perhaps off of a movie. But they don't really know what the word 'sarcasm' means.
Definition of sarcasm - The use of sharp, cutting remarks or language intended to mock, wound, or subject to contempt or ridicule. It comes from the ancient Greek σαρκάζω (sarkazo) meaning 'to tear flesh'.
Now, you may be reading this and thinking, "Okay, this makes no sense...why is Jo (Kirstin), the ultimate user of sarcasm, writing this?" I wrote this because recently I learned the definition, and took a good look at how my words were effecting people. That is why, as I have told some of you, I am trying to stop my use of sarcasm.
Now I know, sometimes when people use sarcasm, they don't intend to make the person they're speaking to, to feel stupid. But the reality is, sometimes it does hurt them....that's all.
Well, all I know is that I've never gotten my feelings hurt from your sarcasm, so you can continue using it around me if you'd like. ;]