Friday, April 30, 2010


Field day was the most fun i had in a long time!

I'm extremely sore from holding 3 people on my back yesterday.

I'm thinking i need to sleep some more.

GLU! (try and figure that one out!)

I have a huge bump/bruise on my leg from SOMETHING (idk what) that happened yesterday!

Julian Smith is hilarious.

Skinny jeans are disgusting on guys.

I wanna see Alice in Wonderland really bad.

Cramping Legs + Twister = Fail.

I need to stop biting my nails.

The world is round.

I wish i could think of the craziest thing i've ever done.

We have 17 chickens.

I should be more outgoing.

Soccer practice is in an hour and a half.


Saturday, April 24, 2010

I'm A Little More Than Useless

This weather makes me feel morbid. I was saying some pretty morbid things last night, according to one of my best friends. But now i actually FEEL morbid. I just look outside, it looks morbid, so i feel morbid. Yeah....morbid.

What does morbid even mean? I mean, i just know it's something like, death-like. Hold on, i'm looking for the definition...Morbid: Suggesting an unhealthy mental state. ............LOL! yeah...thaaaat's me!

Anyways, yeah. i don't like this weather. At. all. Mainly because my soccer game got cancelled because of it, but still, it's so....dark...melancholy...MORBID! Yes, the weather has an unhealthy mental state. It's very troubled.

Ummmmm....i like the word mental. It sounds like an interesting word.

"Sure" should be spelled "Shur" makes more sense.

I want to see a beached whale before i die.


Thursday, April 22, 2010


Self-image is a big thing in today's society.

I never really thought much about it until last night at church when Mrs. Dooley was talking about it. Almost all teenage girls, or some guys (not sure, since i'm not a guy and all), at one point or another, have a bad self-image. Ever since i was about 12 or so i started getting a bad self-image. It all started in sixth grade because we went to a private christian school and i wanted to "fit in". That's when my self-image started going down the drain because i kept comparing my looks to other girls' looks. I still do that, but i never really noticed how much i did that until last night.

Mrs. Dooley said something that i've heard a thousand times, but it never clicked until last night. God sees us all as beautiful because HE made us. And it doesn't really matter how other people see us because God is the only really important one! I mean how pointless is it to spend your entire life trying to look like other people or trying to make yourself look better when God made you just the way he wanted you? I'm trying not to pick out every little thing i hate about myself anymore, because if God wanted it that way, then that's fine with me.


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

So Annoying...

Pet Peeves. I wonder why they put "pet" in the name. I can understand "peeves", but not "pet"...because not only pets give you pet peeves! I have so many pet peeves, it's ridiculous! But i'm not telling you what the big ones are, because might start doing them to annoy me. i WILL tell you a few of my least annoying ones, though.

#1 - people whining on their facebook or yahoo, etc, status that they're depressed or sad. i mean, if you're really having a crappy day, why go tell all your not-close friends? If i'm depressed or sad, i usually don't say so on their because people ask questions, then i have to explain it all, which will in turn probably bum me out even more! But whatever... that's just me.

#2 - people saying "nothing" when you ask if they're alright and you know something's wrong. it just irks me a little. if im not okay and somebody asks "are you okay?" i just say no! and then if they ask more questions, i just say "i don't wanna talk about it!"...simple as that.

#3 - people making a big deal out of accidents. i mean, come on people! ACCIDENT! gahh!

i can't really think of any other non-big pet peeves. but yeah, those are the few that were on my mind. Pet peeves are just plain annoying. End of discussion.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Tonight, not long after my father arrives home from work, me and my family will be leaving for North Carolina. We're going there to visit my brother, Jake, his girlfriend, and her family. It's gonna be pretty exciting! On Thursday, we're going to the beach! :D which will be fun...well that is if i remember sunscreen. If not, i might just die. But yeah, it's gonna be a good trip. On Friday, we're gonna leave to go to Virginia to visit a few of our cousins (we've got like 100 joke.). I'm not sure exactly what we're gonna do, but we'll find something! haha! Then on Sunday morning, we're heading back. We probably won't get back until night. So yeah, that's gonna be my week! I should probably get to packing >.> darn it...


Sunday, April 11, 2010


When i'm in serious pain, i don't smile. I don't know if people think this is weird or anything but for me it's a fact of life.

When i'm not mad and someone says with an edgy voice, "Why are YOU mad?!" THEN i get mad. I just wanna say, "i wasn't until you ASKED that!"

When i'm in serious pain and not mad, and someone asks that, i get even madder than i normally would have.

When i'm in serious pain, i don't want to talk about anything face to face.

Not Sincerely,

Friday, April 9, 2010

Field Day

At the end of this month, we have field day.

Field Day is a big day where all of us homeschoolers meet at Hartsville and have teams and play games, do obstacles, all that cool jazz. The past two years, the team i was on won. I hope we win this year, too. Still don't know who i have on my team yet...i hope i get some good people! lol! I absolutely LOVE field day!!! I just love playing sports with friends, period.

2 years ago i was on the light blue team and the good people i had on my team were Tonya and K-Bob. Last year i was on the red team and i had Ben, Timmy, and Jessica. So yeah, it pretty much all depends on whos on my team. haha! the last day for signing up is in 3 days, so it should be soon after that when we get the lists. But it SUCKS cuz my mom wont be able to check her email since we're going on vacation. -_- figures.

Anyways...yeah. I'm excited. REALLY excited. like....seriously. i am.



Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hate hate HATE it!

Don't you just hate it when two of your good friends are fighting or mad at eachother?

I hate it.

Because i have to be the one sitting in the middle feeling totally awkward. I love both of those friends and obviously would want things to go back to how they were before! Plus when they keep being mad at eachother then i get irked and eventually just come out and tell them that they are being stupid, which then makes them mad at me, and then we're not speaking.

By the way, this isn't happening, it just came to mind and i wanted to write about it. lol
