Thursday, April 22, 2010


Self-image is a big thing in today's society.

I never really thought much about it until last night at church when Mrs. Dooley was talking about it. Almost all teenage girls, or some guys (not sure, since i'm not a guy and all), at one point or another, have a bad self-image. Ever since i was about 12 or so i started getting a bad self-image. It all started in sixth grade because we went to a private christian school and i wanted to "fit in". That's when my self-image started going down the drain because i kept comparing my looks to other girls' looks. I still do that, but i never really noticed how much i did that until last night.

Mrs. Dooley said something that i've heard a thousand times, but it never clicked until last night. God sees us all as beautiful because HE made us. And it doesn't really matter how other people see us because God is the only really important one! I mean how pointless is it to spend your entire life trying to look like other people or trying to make yourself look better when God made you just the way he wanted you? I'm trying not to pick out every little thing i hate about myself anymore, because if God wanted it that way, then that's fine with me.


1 comment:

  1. Gurly! It took me a long time to realize this! Amen, though! I feel like people sometime gets so caught up in the way they look or there 'social status' that other really important things like friendships, family and MOST OF ALL God get kinda pushed to the side. I was a part of that and it is wrong. Proverbs 31 say, "Charm is deceitful and beauty is fleeting but a woman who fears the Lord shall be praised." This is directed toward Girls but it can go for guys too. I need to do a better job of encouraging my brothers and sisters in Christ to focus on storing up treasures in heaven. They are the only ones that last. Thanks for reminding me! Love ya!
