Sunday, May 1, 2011

My Weekend

For those of you who don't know, our school (UCA) had the Senior Banquet on Friday! It was a BIG success, and they didn't have us Seniors do anything embarrassing, thankfully! One of the things that I loved was that people could go up to the microphone and say stuff to the Seniors! :D I cried multiple times, because a lot of the things were really sweet! Anytime that ANYBODY said anything directed towards me, I got teary-eyed. Parents, siblings, and friends got up to say things.

They shared things that made people laugh, and they shared things that made people cry. Near the end of the open-mic time, K-Bob was the first Senior to get up and say something. That alone empowered David to get up and say something, and that empowered ME to get up and say something. Now originally, I was confident and I was gonna say things to each of the Seniors, and of course to my parents, but emotional little me started to get shaky and I knew if I said any more, then I would bawl. I was rather irritated at myself for getting emotional.

Friday was officially the LAST day of me being pale. Saturday morning and afternoon was spent outdoors at the soccer fields. Of course, since I inherited my Dad's skin pigment (or...lack of it I should say) I burn very easily. I kind of wanted to get a sunburn, because I was getting rather tired of having incandescent legs, and I knew it would turn into a tan. Little did I know the repercussions of staying out as long as I did. On the drive home from LayFlat (Lafayette), I didn't really looked burned. My face and legs didn't even look remotely burned, just my arms seemed sunburned. By the time I arrived home, I realized that I was much more burned than I thought. The pain seemed so much more excruciating, since I had forgotten the feel of a sunburn. I had a very long night, and didn't get much sleep at all, since I couldn't lay on my side like normal.

When I woke up and got out of bed this morning, it really REALLY hurt to walk. My legs were so sunburned that it was like a clothes iron was put on my legs any time I took a step. I decided that I would wait to see if it would wear off, since I wanted to go to church tonight. The pain continued throughout the day, so I ended up staying home. It's not AS bad right now, but it's still pretty bad.

Does anybody else use that blue gooey stuff on sunburns? Well that's all we have, and that stuff is more painful to put on that the actual sunburn itself! It's like rubbing ice on yourself. It doesn't hurt once it's on, but when it touches my skin, I just want to scream.

All of this goes to say, Kirstin Tucker is no longer the pale ghost she once was. Now, she is known as....The Lobster Queen.

Her Majesty The Queen

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kirstin,

    WEll guess waht I can be your Lobster Apprentice, because my shoulders are SUPER burnt too. When I put pn this green gooey stufff *Sigh* It doesn't burn, it just feels heavenly. Anyways, I could lift my arms all day yesterday because it hurt super bad. Oh and I love that vidoe the Lifehouse's Everything Skit. I remember the 1st time I saw it like 3 or 4 years ago I was like crying my eyes out!
    Looking forward to being "tan" with you on Thursday,

    Kistin's Lobster Apprentice (Carl)
