Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Something You May Not Know

Just a warning, this post is going to be a little deeper and more personal than I think any other post I've made. This is going to be about something very important that happened in my life a long time ago, and it's something that some people already know and a lot of people don't know. People who know me really should know this about me, since it had a humungous impact on my life. It will probably shock a few people, since they have no idea this happened.

I was eight years old, and I was outside at night playing with my neighbors in Murrayville, Illinois. My parents shouted for me and Ryan to come inside. When we got inside they told us to sit down because they wanted to tell us something. My heart started beating a little faster because I thought I was in trouble for something. Then the words that I didn't expect in the least were said.

"We're getting a divorce."

Those were the only words that I remember them saying that night, because I was mostly crying the rest of the time. The only other thing I remember from that night is Mom handing me a box of Kleenex's.

I didn't fully understand what a divorce meant at the time, therefore I wasn't as affected by it as my older brothers. I just knew that it meant I wouldn't see Dad very much and that I never thought it would happen to MY parents, of all people. In what seemed like a day, we had everything packed up and me, my Mom, and my brothers moved to Lafayette, Tennessee, and my Dad moved in with his brother in Georgia.

My Mom got married to Louis McDonald. I was a lot closer to Louis than a person would expect a kid to be with their step-father. I never once remember him yelling at me or even getting mad at me. He would always call me his little nurse because anytime he would come inside with a cut, I would always patch it up. Anytime he lost something in the house, I would always know where it was. Before my next birthday, Louis got very sick. I remember that we spent a lot of time at different hospitals and that I always thought it was an interesting place. I stayed the night at a friend's house and I remember Mom had a neighbor come and pick me, Ryan, and Jake up. When we got back home, Mom told us that Louis had passed away. Yet another time I remember Mom handing me a Kleenex box. (I think that's why I never like using Kleenex's.) It seemed like after Louis' funeral, a lot of other people we knew died. Let me just say that I have been to one too many funerals, and that I would be perfectly content never going to another one.

After a few years, my Dad moved to Tennessee to be closer to us. Dad said that he kept asking Mom to marry him and she consistently said no. We all moved not far over the border into Kentucky. Dad stayed in a little mini-house behind our actual house while he was working as a truck driver and looking for his own place. He found a house in Westmoreland, Tennessee and moved there.

I don't even remember what year it was, but I think I was 12 when Mom and Dad announced that they were getting married. Not many kids get to be a part of their own real parents' wedding, but we were! It was the cutest little wedding! :D

Since then, we've been happily living in the house in Tennessee. I once remember a girl telling me that I have had the perfect, pampered life. I just raised my eyebrows and thought "If only you knew." It's not really something that comes up in a conversation, so therefore not a lot of people know about this. So there you have it. Something you may or may not have known about Kirstin Tucker.


P.S. - I'm not afraid to talk about it. If you want to ask me anything about it, go right ahead! I'm not shy about it or anything! lol


  1. OH Kirstin, I love you! <3

  2. Kirsten! Whoa. I know what it feels like having someone die that you are so close to! My sister died when i was young. It's hard. But the Lord is still helping me through it. as He did with you! Love ya! <3 God bless
    anna :)

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