Monday, March 28, 2011

Pure Love

"Pure and love are not two words that we often put together. Maybe it's because most of the love we experience is anything but pure. As flawed people, we rarely love without somewhat tainted motives. We all have probably 'loved' someone because we wanted something from them, and I'm sure we've all been 'loved' because someone only wanted something out of or from us.
We often feel we have to earn someone's love by training ourselves to give them what they want. Unfortunately, this kind of love isn't 'pure' at all, and it doesn't come close to reflecting God's true heart. But we're so used to performing and trying to impress the people we want to love us that we treat God the same way. We go around and around in circles trying to make Him happy without ever stopping to consider that maybe His love is really, truly, pure-without any selfish or deceptive motive. Maybe God doesn't want anything from us except us." -Kari Jobe

How true this is! I mean if you think about it, when you "love" someone, you try your best to please them by doing things for them or changing yourself for them. God doesn't want us just doing things for Him as a way to "earn" His everlasting love, He just wants us! He just wants us to spend time with Him, worshiping and praising Him! Any relationship you have with someone can only grow by spending time with that person and talking to them. How is it any different with the relationship between you and God? The only way you will ever grow is by spending time with Him. Don't try to win God over by works, because they will get you nowhere.

Lots of love,

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