Wednesday, March 30, 2011


It seems like lately I've been on this venting spree, and I'm here to tell ya...I have one more thing to say!

I hate when people joke around with me when I'm with a guy friend saying that I'm flirting with him or trying to put the moves on him. This happens to me ALL THE TIME, especially with one certain friend! Let's just say I accidentally brush up against him and someone goes "Ohhhh, Kirstin's puttin' the moves on him!"

Tonight was the worst! Ugh! I couldn't say something, or move an inch without someone saying that I was putting the moves on someone. No offense to those people, but they were seriously ticking me off, even though I didn't look like it. And it just kept going! For instance, I was sitting by one guy, and when he moved over, my hair stuck to his jacket and he goes, "Oh my gosh! Even her HAIR won't get off me!" And then another time, there was a piece of trash right beside me on the seat, and me and him reached for it at the same time and he goes "Kirstin's trying to hold my hand!"

I wish people just knew when to stop.

Sincerely Irked,


  1. What you should do is talk about this to your guy friends seriously. If they don't listen or respect you, just leave them alone. Although, if you have been being really nice and have talked to these guys a lot, it is inevitable that they will think you like them. All boys do when a girl pays attention to them. It's better if you learn that now.

  2. Hey Kirstin,
    You need to put some pics on your blog!!!
    Love you :P
