Sunday, April 3, 2011

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

I am so sick of hearing perverted jokes all the time. I wish I could have lived in a time where most boys would actually try to earn respect, instead of trying to look macho by being perverts. These days, even girls are starting to say perverted things. I'll admit, I've said "That's what she said" more than once, before I actually knew what it meant.

From now on, if any of my friends say anything perverted, I'm just going to ask them to be quiet and respect the fact that I don't want to hear it. I am constantly convicted when I hear professed Christians say nasty things and I don't stand up for God. I'm tired of feeling that guilt!

I'm not saying that I am perfect, God knows that I'm not. I constantly make mistakes, get annoyed at small things I shouldn't, complain a lot (evidence being this blog), and I fall short on an hourly basis.

I have so many things on my mind right now, but it would take hours to get it all down. I'll just paraphrase some of the stuff.

It kind of annoys me that my most popular post was the letter to my crush. Is it that important, really? I think I'm going to delete it soon, just because of the fact that I hate that people read that so much.

So I posted a status on facebook saying "It irks me when girls say how boys need to be gentlemen when the girls aren't willing to be ladylike" in reference to this blog post by Amanda. Well honestly, I think we have a twisted version of what being ladylike means. It doesn't mean that you always wear dresses, act girly, and have a good posture. In my opinion it's a P31W (Psalms 31 Woman.)

That's all I'm saying for now. I really should get back to happy posts. :P

Lots of Love,


  1. You're right in taking a stand for God concerning that stuff. Just be careful to examine your own heart before passing such a judgement. Say, you lose respect for these professing Christians, but honestly, if everyone knew EVERY LITTLE thing you did, or I did, how much respect would we have? Furthermore, when any of these jokes are told, do you laugh? If you do, it is participation in the joke. If you don't, then I applaud you. It takes a godly person to stand up for God and find those things repulsive. God has taught me that none of us deserve respect, yet we receive it. We all should be gracious, as Jesus was. That's all I have to say...

  2. @Anonymous:Yes, we all should be gracious, as Jesus. That's our purpose! To be like Jesus.

    Kirstin, good post. It is irking and it's a problem and all, but I'm glad that you have decided to be pro-active and work on something you can change - yourself. I hope that God will use you in other people's lives when you stands and say, "Hey, that doesn't please the Lord."

    I love chuuu!

    Oh, and thanks for referencing to my blog. That's sweet. It's people like you that have widened my blog community and IOU.

  3. That's my girl! Sometimes, it's actually pretty hard to resist the urge to join in on the fun, but you've just got to try to be the "better person" in those types of scenarios.

    I know that I, instead of joining in on vulgar talk or racist jokes, just choose to ignore the ones saying the inappropriate things. I don't hide the fact that I hate them, but I also don't really outright TELL them to quit, either. Guess that is where I need to change.

    I especially hate whenever I hear the guys talking about majorly perverted things in church. I mean, they shouldn't say that stuff anyways, but in church?! It's just stupid.

    Good post, Kirstin. =]

  4. Anonymous: I completely agree with you. Like I said in the blog, I'm not perfect and I fall short all the time. I'm not saying that I'm going to lose respect for a person if I hear them say one perverted joke, but if I hear it come out of their mouth repeatedly, and they won't listen when I ask them to be quiet, then a little respect is lost. I just got really tired of hearing perverted things all the time, because I know that it is not what God wants me to be hearing and filling my brain with! Thanks for the reminder to be gracious!
